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Neuropsychology Unit

Laboratory of clinical neuropsychology


Neuropsychology and Language Disorders Unit

Laboratory Directors:  I. Zalonis  and C. Potagas

First Department of Neurology, Eginitio Hospital, Vas. Sofias avenue 72-74, Athens 11528

In 1985, the head of the Neurology Department, the late Professor K. Papageorgiou, founded the Laboratory of Clinical Neuropsychology. Since then the Lab has been run by Ioannis Zalonis. The Neuropsychology and Language Disorders Unit operates since 2004 under the supervision of C. Potagas.

Since 2008, the two labs have been merged under the name “Neuropsychology and Language Disorders Unit”, and cover the needs of neuropsychological assessment of patients from of all inpatient wards and outpatient clinics of Eginitio Hospital, as well as outpatients from other hospitals in Athens and Piraeus.

On a yearly basis, more than 450 patients are examined for cognitive deficits or decline. The assessed patients suffer from various neurological disorders, including infections, strokes, neoplasms, traumatic brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, hereditary and acquired metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s ,Parkinson’s, several types of dementia), nutrition disorders, disorders of peripheral nervous system, muscular dystrophy, metabolic and toxic myopathies and neuromuscular disorders, as well as psychiatric and developmental disorders affecting cognition. 

The main purpose of the neuropsychological assessment is the examination of cognitive functions, differential diagnosis and the identification of brain dysfunctions leading to cognitive deficits, as well as prognosis and definition of cognitive deficits severity. In addition, upon completion of the neuropsychological assessment, patients are offered advice on rehabilitation and therapeutic options.

For the conduction of neuropsychological assessment, standardized batteries and tests are used, to identify cognitive deficits. For the examination of specific syndromes such as aphasia, memory disorders, agnosia, apraxia, learning difficulties, disorders of perception and of executive functions, specialized neuropsychological batteries are used, according to the patients’ individual needs. In addition to neuropsychological tests, personality and emotional status questionnaires are also administered.

In cases of aphasic disorders, the patients may join the self-help groups, which are organized in collaboration with Speech Therapists and Social Services of the First Department of Neurology at Eginitio Hospital (Markos Zacharis and Paraskevi Argyrou). This intervention approach seems rather promising with respect to psychosocial aspects of daily life of patients with acquired language impairment.




Ioannis Zalonis, Associate Professor Psychology-Neuropsychology (Laboratory of clinical neuropsychology).

Telephone contact: 210-7289141



Constantin Potagas, Associate Professor Neurology-Neuropsychology (Neuropsychology and Language Disorders Unit)

Telephone contact: 210-7289307



Dimitrios Kasselimis, Neuropsychologist, PhD, post-doctoral researcher - main clinical and research focus on acquired language and memory disorders.

Foteini Christidi, Neuropsychologist, PhD, post-doctoral researcher

Georgia Angelopoulou, Neuropsychologist, PhD candidate

Dimitrios Tsolakopoulos, Neuropsychologist, PhD candidate

Georgios Papageorgiou, Speech Pathologist, MSc in Clinical Neuropsychology – Cognitive Neuroscience