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The Outpatient Clinic of Interventional Management of Parkinson’s Disease and other Movement Disorders aims at the specialized management of patients with advanced Parkinson’s Disease, or other Movement Disorders, through interventional strategies.  

In advanced Parkinson’s Disease, motor complications occur, with prominent motor fluctuations, with periods “off” of insufficient response to oral drug treatment, while in other periods of the day there occur excessive abnormal involuntary movements, which interfere with daily activities, and are termed dyskinesias (LIDs, for Levodopa-induced Dyskinesias).  In parallel, there may be worsening of other motor and non-motor symptoms, such as freezing and imbalance, autonomic dysfunction, neuropsychiatric manifestations and cognitive decline.  For the motor complications of the disease, the last few years have seen the development of interventional therapies that lead to a  significant amelioration of movement and functionality of the patients, as well as their quality of life and that of their caregivers.   

The interventional therapies that are applied include: α) Continuous subcutaneous infusion of apomorphine,  β) Continuous intestinal delivery of Levodopa-carbidopa, and γ) Placement of a Deep Brain Stiumlation (DBS) device in the hypothalamic nucleus or the internal portion of the globus pallidum.

The decision for the initiation and the type of interventional approach is taken jointly with the patient and his/her caregiver, depending on the particular profile of the patient. For the two first cases, with the use of infusion pumps, the patients are admitted for a few days in Ward B for the initiation of treatment and scaling up of the dose of the particular drug. In particular regarding the levodopa/carbidopa infusion device, there is a procedure involved, a type of gastrostomy performed by the team of Interventional gastroenterologists of the neighboring Hospital “Alexandra”.  For DBS placement, there is a cooperation with the First Department of Neurosurgery in “Evangelismos” Hospital, as well as with the Second Department of Neurosurgery at “Attikon” Hospital.  DBS can also be performed in certain cases of intractable generalized Dystonias. After the initiation of the interventional therapies, there is follow-up with modifications of the treatment parameters in the specialized outpatient Clinic.           

Beyond the purely neurological component, the management of patients with advanced Parkinson’s Disease is multidisciplinary, with a team that includes a Psychiatrist, a Psychologist, a Neurospychologist, a Nurse with specialization is stress management in chronic neurological conditions, a physical therapist and a social worker.



Personnel of outpatient Clinic:


Neurologists / Physicians

Anastasia Bougea, MD, Neurologist, PhD candidate, Collaborating Scientist

Ioanna Pachi, MD,  PhD candidate 

Christos Koros, MD, PhD, Neurologist, Colaborating Scientist

Athanasios Leonardos, MD, Neurologist with training in Movement Disorders, Collaborating Scientist

Athina Simitsi, MD, MSc, Neurologist, PhD candidate, Collaborating Scientist

Christos Christodoulou, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Collaborating Scientist

Leonidas Stefanis, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurology-Neurobiology


Other Personnel

Giannis Zalonis, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology-Neuopsychology

Elpida Panagiotounakou, Msc, Psychologist-Pscychotherapist with specialization in Stress management

Efthymia Efthymiopoulou, Msc, Psychologist-Neuropsychologist

Efthimios Schoinas, MSc, Physical Therapist-Occupational Therapist

Markos Zacahris, Social Worker

Chrysa Chrysovitsanou, PhD, Nurse, Head of Specialty outpatient Clinic of the First Department of Neurology, with specialization in the management of stress in chronic neurological conditions


